Bluewater Bible

Reviving Bluewater Bible College: A Beacon of Hope and Faith

In the heart of the United States Virgin Islands (USVI), on the picturesque island of St. Thomas, stands Bluewater Bible College and Institute, a pivotal institution for theological education in the Caribbean. Following the catastrophic impacts of hurricanes Irma and Maria, the college faced unprecedented challenges. The devastation left the campus needing significant upgrades to meet government standards, including ADA compliance and regional accreditation. Financially crippled, with dwindling student enrollment and church donations, the college teetered on the brink of closure.

Enter Pastor Andrew George and his wife, Sheryl George, who took the helm with a resolute vision: to restore Bluewater Bible College to its former glory and as a fully accredited institution. Despite their unwavering hope and dedication, the path to recovery was fraught with obstacles, primarily due to the lack of resources.

In an inspiring display of unity and support, the Lake County Baptist Association, in collaboration with the Florida Baptist Convention, has stepped forward to aid Bluewater Bible College. Spearheaded by Jeffery Singletary of the Florida Baptist Convention, this partnership has extended a lifeline to the college, integrating it into the Central Florida Region of the Florida Baptist Convention.

This initiative is not just about rebuilding a college; it's about reigniting the flame of faith and education in the Caribbean. Bluewater Bible College serves as the sole theological training institution for the region, having equipped over 90% of Caribbean pastors. The decline in its operational capacity has left many congregations without leadership, underscoring the urgency of its revival.

Scripture reminds us to support our fellow believers and the institutions that uphold our faith. In Galatians 6:2 (NIV), we are encouraged to "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." This verse beautifully encapsulates the spirit of the mission to rejuvenate Bluewater Bible College. By rallying together, the Baptist community embodies the essence of fellowship and mutual support commanded in the Bible.

The partnership between the Lake County Baptist Association, the Florida Baptist Convention, and the wider Baptist community is a testament to what can be achieved when faith, hope, and action converge. As we look to the future, the revival of Bluewater Bible College stands as a beacon of hope for the institution itself and the countless lives it will continue to touch through its mission to educate and inspire future leaders of faith.

This mission page is dedicated to rallying support for Bluewater Bible College and Institute. Together, we can restore this vital institution and ensure it remains a cornerstone of theological education and spiritual leadership in the Caribbean for generations to come.

Ways to Join and Support

From trips to the college, we've learned that you must be in good physical condition. The work requires participants to frequently walk up and down several flights of stairs during the day. The hill is extremely steep, and it can get quite warm. Unlike Florida, there is typically a breeze and lower humidity.

Staying in the college dorms is free, and linens and towels are provided. Toiletries are not provided. 

A typical stay of 8-10 people for 10 days will require approximately $1200.00 in groceries. The college kitchen has what is needed for a group this size to cook comfortably for themselves. Trips to town do take a good while, so preplanning is important. The groceries are typical, with some locations offering a larger variety of Caribbean food, such as their sweet potato, which resembles a states-side turnip yet is sweet and a healthy locally consumed food source.

This page is dynamically adjusted to include necessary projects. We'll do our best to indicate the physical demand levels and details such as cost or necessary experience where possible. Please note that many tools are available on site, but larger items such as cement mixers or heavy machinery may need to be rented beforehand. Preplanning is strongly suggested as shipping by cargo is much less expensive than direct shipping. While the island is an English-speaking territory of the United States, not all items may be available as easily as in the US. Checking with local businesses and making prior reservations will greatly help to finish projects with fewer delays. 

Bluewater College and Institute Amazon Gift Registry

You can help by purchasing items on the Bluewater College Amazon Wishlist (button below). Andrew George will show up on your delivery address choices when you purchase. Andrew is the college president, and the address is the Bluewater College Address. Shipping varies and will apply your Amazon Prime discount if you have it, but it may still be costly. Island shipping is a bit expensive.

Work Request (Responses)